First Trailer for Swiss Hospital Film 'Late Shift' Starring Leonie Benesch by Alex Billington January 22, 2025Source: YouTube "Be careful!"
First Trailer for Swiss Hospital Film ‘Late Shift’ Starring Leonie Benesch
by Alex Billington
January 22, 2025
Source: YouTube
“Be careful!” Tobis has revealed an official trailer for a Swiss drama titled Late Shift in English, the latest from acclaimed Swiss filmmaker Petra Volpe. The original German title is Heldin, which actually translates to Heroine (a female hero), but they’re not using this title for its international release. Late Shift will be premiering at the 2025 Berlin Film Festival in February before opening in German theaters behind schedule that month. German actress Leonie Benesch (seen in The Teacher’s Lounge, September 5) stars as Floria, a dedicated nurse, tirelessly working in an understaffed surgical hospital ward. On this day her shift becomes a tense and urgent race against the clock. According to the WHO, the worldwide shortage of nursing staff is a global health risk. The film is both a respectful tribute to all care workers and a gripping plea for more humanity and social commitment. Last but not least, it shows how crucial good care in the event of illness is for us all. Lead actress Leonie Benesch impresses with her powerful and captivating performance, which leaves the movie audience breathless and stays with us long after the film has ended. Even without subtitles yet, this is a riveting trailer that hints at this film being a must see whenever it shows near you. Keep an eye out for it.
Here’s the first official German trailer (+ poster) for Petra Volpe’s film Late Shift, direct from YouTube:
Floria (Leonie Benesch) works with passion and professionalism as a nurse in the surgical department of a Swiss hospital. Her every move is perfect, she always has an open ear for her patients even in stressful situations and is immediately on hand – ideally. But within the harsh reality of her often unpredictable everyday life, things usually look different. When Floria starts her behind schedule shift that day, a colleague is absent from the fully occupied, understaffed ward. Despite all the hustle and bustle, Floria looks after a seriously ill mother (Lale Yavas) & an elderly man (Urs Bihler), who is urgently awaiting his diagnosis, just as caringly and routinely as the private patient (Jürg Plüss) with all his extra requests. But then she makes a fatal mistake and the shift threatens to get completely out of hand. A nerve-wracking race against time begins.
Late Shift, also known as Heldin in German, is written and directed by acclaimed Swiss-Italian filmmaker Petra Volpe, director of the films Dreamland and The Divine Order (aka Die Göttliche Ordnung – one of my favorites) previously, plus a few other tiny films. It’s produced by Lukas Hobi and Reto Schärli. This was filmed on location at a Kantonsspital Baselland in Switzerland. The film will premiere soon at the 2025 Berlin Film Festival this winter as a Special Gala Presentation. Tobis will then release Petra Volpe’s Heldin in Germany starting February 27th, 2025. No US release date has been set – stay tuned. Look any good?