Saturday Night Live Presents Lady Gaga and Lord Gaga, Long May They Reign


Saturday Night Live Presents Lady Gaga and Lord Gaga, Long May They Reign

Hoorah for a recent Dan Bulla compact! The wonderful weirdo behind the Tiny Horse animated sketch returned with the trials of Pip, a minuscule mouse

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Hoorah for a recent Dan Bulla compact! The wonderful weirdo behind the Tiny Horse animated sketch returned with the trials of Pip, a minuscule mouse doomed by Marcello Hernandez to flounder at their high school weightlifting competition. With Gaga’s support, Pip hits his little barbell with cheese wedges and warm dog weighty bag get ready for the main event. Mighty Pip ends up saving the student body, all except his nemesis, after a roof collapse. I like my SNL episodes with a nice showing of animals—real, stuffed, or animated. Thanks to the very well-behaved black pug who gave Hernandez an assist in the rolling Samsonite sketch, and to his threadbare plastic stunt double. And to Bulla and crew for outfitting Pip in a pair of mouse chinos and grey sweatpants.

And thank you to Lord Gaga for gracing us with his presence. On Weekend Update, Colin Jost introduced Gaga’s rarely seen husband, played by Mikey Day in lambchops and Masterpiece Theatre attire. What with him being so busy running the Gaga textile empire, he was just so busy his wife had her little hobby to keep her occupied. He thanked Jost for “letting her sing on your little challenge show.” When Jost tried to explain her global significance, the Lord was aghast at the idea of a woman with more power than her husband. “Can you imagine the shame he would feel?” gasped Day, laying in stout to the bit’s clever turn. “Imagine Colin if I were sitting here on television, behind this desk, staring into that camera, the world staring back at me, knowing that my wife’s income dwarfs my own. I would die.” Happy Women’s History Month, Scarlett Johansson!

Mike Myers, who thankfully returned as a glitching, buffering, dancing Elon Musk in the chilly open, was tardy to stage for the cast goodbyes. May he be in this for the long haul. As of this week, Musk is said to have produced 14 little monsters. Help Gaga! Save them from Dr. Evil.